Affiliate Programs Worthless for 80% of Affiliate Marketers

Written by Mike Banks Valentine

No doubt you’ve heard ofrepparttar 80/20 rule – which states that 20 percent of affiliates generate 80% of affiliate income, and conversely, remaining 80 percent of affiliates generate only 20 percent of all income for most affiliate programs.

There are ten basics that will put your affiliate marketing inrepparttar 102314 top 20 percent of affiliate earnings. Ten suggestions that will transform your affiliate income from a trickling creek that barely covers your hosting fees, to a roaring river of extra disposable income.


1.Top affiliate marketers cloak web site links

Cloaking affiliate links should not be necessary, but is. Oddly many site visitors refuse to visit your links if they see an affiliate code appended torepparttar 102315 URL when they hover their mouse over a link on your web page. Sometimes they will typerepparttar 102316 affiliate domain directly torepparttar 102317 browser address bar while removing your affiliate ID fromrepparttar 102318 URL. To short circuit this odd behavior, simply cloakrepparttar 102319 URL. How? Visit this Link Tool:

2.Top affiliate marketers write & distribute articles

Writing articles about your market niche is essential to gain reputation as an expert in your field. Butrepparttar 102320 biggest benefit comes not just from writing those articles, but from having those articles published by other web site owners and ezine publishers. Your article gains you both reputation and links from other web sites fromrepparttar 102321 resource box appended torepparttar 102322 end of each article. Here are major article distribution sites.

3.Top affiliate marketers focus on a market niche

Filling a web site with content reflecting a narrowly focused product or service niche is a well known method of gaining web traffic in your area of specialty. An excellent resource that can help you determine relevant and focused areas to fill your site with is called NicheBot. They offer innovative tools to research and pinpoint market niches for your web site based onrepparttar 102323 WordTracker Database and Google.

4.Top affiliate marketers use autoresponder series

Autoresponders are incredibly valuable tools that allow you to send a timed series of email messages to those that sign up for them. Most often those autoresponders are sent through a third party provider. Some ofrepparttar 102324 top providers are and, for a tutorial covering autoresponder basics, visit:

5.Top affiliate marketers create web pages to pre-sell

Creating either testimonial pages or review pages that discuss and pre-sellrepparttar 102325 product or service you are affiliated with isrepparttar 102326 best method of getting increased orders for your chosen affiliate programs. Many programs actually provide either an article or recommended text to sell their products for you and allow reproduction of those articles with your links embedded.


Written by Gillian Tarawhiti

AFFILIATE PROGRAMS...WHO'S REALLY MAKING THE MONEY? By Gillian Tarawhiti Community Training Centre

There will be a million and one affiliates out there who will tell you thatrepparttar affiliate program they promote is going to berepparttar 102313 best one for you.

But have you considered who is really makingrepparttar 102314 money and who gainsrepparttar 102315 most out of affiliate programs.

Let's take a step back and look atrepparttar 102316 AFFILIATE.

What exactly isrepparttar 102317 role ofrepparttar 102318 affilate?

* The sole purpose ofrepparttar 102319 affiliate is to PROMOTErepparttar 102320 product and/or service

What arerepparttar 102321 benefits of being an affiliate?

* Get paid a minimal commission that is regulated byrepparttar 102322 owner ofrepparttar 102323 product/service

In short, As an affiliate it is your responsibility to make someone else rich whilst doing allrepparttar 102324 hard work. You take onrepparttar 102325 expenses of advertising, you arerepparttar 102326 one who usually misses out on subscribers if you haven't first made them your client before they buyrepparttar 102327 product/service you are promoting.

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